Happy cherubs

Happy cherubs

Friday, October 17, 2014


Yesterday we were lucky enough to welcome Mr Doug James and his apprentice Chloe to our school, and they brought 3 special visitors.........sheep!

We listened as Mr James told us all about sheep and how they are sheared. Then we watched as he held the sheep one by one between his legs and sheared them!

"The wool is soft. Sheep live for ten years." - Isabelle

"We got to keep some wool and then he put them (the sheep) beck and he took them back to the farm." - Ethan

"Sheep and cows have the same hooves." - Karlesha

"The sheep get hot in the spring." - Zoe T

"It was amazing and fantastic and wonderful!" - Jed

"The wool makes us warm in the winter!" - Kodee

"The sheep were fighting to not get back into the cage." - Sienna

"The sheep were trying to run away. They have a tag on their ears for the farm code. Girl sheep are ewes." - Holly

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