Happy cherubs

Happy cherubs

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Zoo Excursion

Our amazing trip to the Melbourne Zoo!

On Wednesday September 3rd we hopped on the bus and left school at 7:30am for a spectacular adventure to the Melbourne Zoo. 

After weeks of learning about animals such as meerkats, elephants, lions and butterflies, we were lucky enough to see them up close!

Our time at the Zoo began with "Zoo School", where we met snakes and green tree frogs, potaroos and birds. For some, this hands-on experience encouraged us to conquer our fears about touching snakes and frogs and our Zoo School teacher Mel taught us about the differences between reptiles, birds and mammals. 

We ate our lunch to the sounds of the lions roaring and we met a cheeky peacock who wanted to share our food! 

After lunch we went with our parents helpers to explore the animal exhibits. The meerkats were a particular hit as we loved seeing the responsible meerkat 'sentry guard' looking out for his friends in the burrow. The Zoo has a new exhibit, where you can walk into the lemur's home! This was another popular stop for us. We saw them lying in the sun to warm their bellies. 

The day could not have happened without the help of Sue, our classroom aide, who kept Miss Crammond from being lost in the reptile exhibit!

Nor could it have happened without our parent helpers Rachel, Robyn, Bec, Linda, Rennae and Olivia who enabled our class to break into small groups to explore the Zoo. We are so very grateful to them for attending the day. 

The children were shining stars and brilliant ambassadors for our wonderful school. 

Stay tuned for Zoo writing from the children, and more photos!

 Ethan, Gus, Thomas and..... a scaly friend!

 Zoe was over the moon to see the giraffes.
 The lemurs greeted us at Lemur Island. 
 Shaun was thrilled to visit the gorillas. Look at his smile!
 Miss Crammond, Zoe, Shaun and a gorilla!
 Smiling Ethan and a shy mandrill.
 Sue's favorite, the beautiful elephants. 
Thankyou to our parent helpers! Here is Harry and his mum, Bec. 

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